
Press Releases


Six walking tours along the ‘Camino de la Piedra’ between Ajarte and the Cathedral of Santa María

2007/09/10 Organized by Foundation of Santa Maria Cathedral and Goiena Mountain Club.

Fundación Catedral Santa María and Club de Montaña Goiena have organised six walking tours along the ‘Camino de la Piedra’, a trail that runs between Ajarte and Vitoria. This itinerary offers a unique perspective since it runs alongside a series of quarries surrounding the village of Ajarte, in the County of Treviño, which produced much of the stone used in the construction of the Cathedral.

Ajarte is a small village located in the County of Treviño, which currently has just one occupied house. As well as offering stunning views of the Vitoria Mountains, the nearby quarries produced much of the stone used to build churches all around the province of Álava as well as the Cathedral of Santa María.

Therefore, walking tours between these two locations link the historical and artistic interest of the Cathedral with elements of the surrounding landscape, the geography of the area and in particular the historic routes used throughout history to transport stone to the hills of Gasteiz.

These walking tours are free and will be held on the following Saturdays: 15th, 22nd and 29th September, and the 6th, 20th and 27th October. On each day, a bus will take participants to Ajarte, from where they will set out on a 14 km hike, during which, as well as enjoying the natural surroundings, they will also be given explanations about the different areas they pass through.