
Press Releases


Conference on May 3rd with the title ¨Investigations and restoration works of Santa Maria´s portico´

2010/04/20 It will be  in  Villa Suso palace at 20.00pm presented by the restorers Mercedes Cortazar, Diana Pardo and Dolores Sanz.

             Vitoria- Gasteiz, April 20th 2010.- The book ´Investigation and restoration works of Santa Maria´s portico´ will be presented on May 3rd in Villa Suso Palace. The restorers Mercedes Cortazar, Diana pardo and Dolores Sanz will offer this conference where they will explain the work that they have done in the portico during two years. This book inaugurates the Knowledge Notes collection edited by the Santa Maria Cathedral Foundation, where we will explain the different works and experiences done during the whole restoration process.The conference will be at 20.00pm with free entrance till completing the hall.