
Press Releases


Santa Maria Cathedral presents the south- transept vault´s work in the European Association of Cathedrals Masters in Germany

2011/09/21 It is a very complex work and there are almost no similar works in Europe.

           Vitoria- Gasteiz, 21st September 2011.-  Santa Maria Cathedral Foundation takes part this week in Germany in the European Association of Cathedrals Masters ( builders...)that has begun today in Naumburg. At this time, the Foundation presents the works of the south- transept vaults, which is a  very unusual work and there are not  similar works in Europe.

Santa Maria Cathedral will take part for the sixth time in this congress, that has been celebrated since 1975 and that gets more than 150 professionals of 60 cathedrals of 12 countries together ( Germany, Romania, Croatia, Switzerland, Poland, France, Holland, Eslovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, Norway and Spain). Vitoria and Toledo are the only spanish cities in this congress. The director of Santa Maria Cathedral Foundation, Mr. Juan Ignacio Lasagabaster, and the architects Leandro Camara and Oskar Bell are in Naumburg representig Santa Maria Cathedral.

This congress is very important in Europe for exchanging experiences about the restoration, maintenance and conservation of  religious buildings. Some participants of this congress have already visited us and follow our restoration works, so we have suggested that the congress of 2013 could be celebrated in Vitoria, and the proposal has been accepted. It will be the first time that the congress will be celebrated out of central Europe.