
Press Releases


The singer-songwriter Mikel Urdangarin will play in the Cathedral on June 11th

2011/05/23 The students of Luis Aramburu Local Music School, Gonzalo Tejada Trio and the children's show ' El barco de vapor de Willie'  will also perfom in the Cathedral in June.

Press Releases


Santa Maria Cathedral organises three excursions along the stone and salt ways

2011/05/19 In collaboration with Salt Valley Foundation and Goiena Mountain Club, we will walk along the tracks walked by the pilgrims and the travelers during the XIIth and XIIIth century.

Press Releases


Conference about the Cathedral of Tui on Wednesday 18th May.

2011/05/17 In Villa Suso Palace at 8.00pm with free entrance.

Press Releases


Architects of Santa Maria Cathedral will offer a conference about the restoration works in the tower of the cathedral.

2011/05/02 Juan Ignacio Lasagabaster, architect and director of Santa Maria Cathedral, and the architects Leandro Cámara and Oskar Bell will be the speakers.

Press Releases


The visits to Santa Maria Cathedral will be free on Monday due to the World Heritage Day

2011/04/15 There will be night visits to the medieval city wall

Press Releases


Santa Maria Cathedral Foundation has organised conferences and workshop for the children on April

2011/04/04  The World Heritage Day will be celebrated on 18th April and all the visits to the Cathedral will be free

Press Releases


The tower of Santa Maria Cathedral has no canvas after seven years

2011/03/22 The works for a more accesible interior with better stairs and an elevator have began.

Press Releases


Santa Maria Cathedral Foundation announces the third edition of the short story competition

2011/02/22 The restoration project of the Cathedral, its history and the setting in the Historic District will be the story line.

Press Releases


The general secretary of World Tourism Organization visits Santa Maria Cathedral

2011/02/02 Santa Maria Cathedral received also yesterday  the visit of  members of the Industry Committee in the Senate.

Press Releases


The main novelty of Santa Maria Cathedral Foundation for 2012 will be a big black marble vault where the altar will be situated

2011/02/02 The celebration next year of the 150th anniversary of the Diocese will stablish the objectives of this works