
Press Releases


The floor of the nave in Santa Maria Cathedral begins to be placed due to the 150th anniversary of the Diocese of Vitoria

2012/01/20 They will be 1.100 square meters of oak wooden dais that will cover the naves, the transept and the ambulatory.

Press Releases


Santa Maria Cathedral Foundation continues the conference series about another cathedrals with a conference about the Cathedral of Tarazona

2012/01/16 It will be offered by Fernando Aguerri, architect and director of the Master Plan of Santa Maria de la Huerta Cathedral in Tarazona since 1997.

Press Releases


The children, protagonist of the Santa Maria Cathedral Christmas cards

2011/12/19 The cards drawn by the six winners of the christmas cards contest have been already published and sent 

Press Releases


Santa Maria Cathedral Foundation offers a conference about the sacristy, that it will be opened to the visits during Christmas time

2011/12/13 The visit costs 3€ and it is possible to make a reservation calling to 945 255 135

Press Releases


Santa Maria Cathedral Foundation publishes the book with the winners of the third short stories contest

2011/12/07 The publication is available in the Visitors Reception Centre for 5€

Press Releases


Santa Maria Cathedral Foundation and the Arts and Trades School give expression to their collaboration in an audiovisual show

2011/12/01 It will be  possible to see it in the last guided visit on Fridays and Saturdays afternoon.

Press Releases


The Christmas workshops for children in Santa Maria Cathedral take a look to the green capital status of Vitoria- Gasteiz

2011/11/22 The workshop ´Green Christmas in Santa Maria Cathedral´  will begin on 26th December until 30th.

Press Releases


Santa Maria Cathedral takes to Mexico the project of the polychromies of the portico.

2011/10/28 Representatives of Santa Maria Cathedral Foundation are participating in a conference about the regeneration of the historical centres and the way to illuminate the builded cultural heritage.

Press Releases


The conversion of Santa Maria Cathedral and its coexistence with María Inmaculada Cathedral is the subject of the third number of the comic ´Roots of Stone´

2011/10/21 The comic is already available in the Cathedral´s Store ( c/ Las Escuelas 11) and in the Visitors Reception Center. The price is 5€.

Press Releases


The cathedral of Palencia, the unknown beauty, is the main protagonist of a conference in Luis de Ajuria hall.

2011/10/17 Organized by Santa Maria Cathedral Foundation, the conference is in line with the ´Cathedrals of our surroundings´