2011/10/14 Apart from visiting the cathedral, the children will participate in workshops about the history ,the archaeology, the art, the architecture of the cathedral and of the city.
2011/10/11 The director of Santa Maria Cathedral Foundation, Juan Ignacio Lasagabaster, will talk tomorrow in a seminar in Brussels about the new challenges after the Treaty of Lisboa.
2011/09/30 They will take part nine national and international experts that will explain how the design can change our environment.
2011/09/29 Children until 11 years old can participate and the winning Christmas cards will be used by the Foundation to congratulate the Christmastime.
2011/09/22 Partirá desde Mendiola, donde se une al grupo que viene caminando desde Ajarte
2011/09/21 It is a very complex work and there are almost no similar works in Europe.
2011/09/20 This group is a reference for the spanish ancient music new generation
2011/09/13 The tickets are already available in the Cathedral´s Store and the price is 3€ for the members of the Founder´s Circle and 5€ for no members.
2011/09/08 The routes will be done on September 17th and 24th
2011/09/06 The concert will be in the central nave at 8.30pm